The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) and Indonesia for
Global Justice (IGJ) urge the European and Indonesian trade negotiators meeting in
Indonesia from 15-19 October for a sixth round of negotiations, to use the IEU CEPA
negotiations for a ‘reset’ of EU-Indonesia trade and investment relations in support of
inclusive growth and sustainable development.
Download >>>SOMO IGJ CEPA letter_October 2018.docx
Explanatory note
Call for a reset of the negotiating agenda
The IEU CEPA negotiations – launched in 2016 and entering their 6th round of
negotiations in October 2016 – continue to focus on the liberalisation and
deregulation of trade and investment flows as their main objective. Meanwhile, a
growing body of evidence demonstrates the failure of these neoliberal policies of
corporate-led globalisation that contribute to climate change, environmental
degradation and widening inequality across the globe. The architecture of trade and
investment agreements continues to ignore these immense associated social and
environmental costs.
Download >>> SOMO IGJ CEPA explanatory note_October 2018.docx