Access to Medicines Ireland | Foundation for Integrative AIDS Research (FIAR), United States | People’s Health Movement, Canada |
Access to Medicines Research Group, China | Frente Nacional por la Salud de los Pueblos del Ecuador (FNSPE), Ecuador | People’s Health Movement Nepal |
Africa Development Interchange Network (ADIN), Cameroon | FTA Watch, Thailand | People’s Health Movement South Africa |
Africa Japan Forum, Japan | Fundación Grupo Efecto Positivo, Argentina | People’s Health Movement, Zambia |
Africa Young Positives Network, Uganda | Fundacion para estudio e investigación de la Mujer, Argentina | People’s Health Movement – Japan Circle, Japan |
AIDS Access Foundation, Thailand | Gandhi Development Trust, South Africa | People’s Health Institute, South Korea |
All India Drug Action Network, India | Global Humanitarian Progress GHP Corp, Colombia | People’s Health Organization, South Korea |
All Nepal Peasants Federation | Global Justice Now, United Kingdom | Positive Malaysian Treatment Access & Advocacy Group (MTAAG+), Malaysia |
Alternative Budget Initiative- Health Cluster, Philippines | Governance Links, Tanzania | Public Citizen, United States |
Ashar Alo Society (AAS), Bangladesh | Grupo de Incentivo à Vida, Brazil | Public Eye, Switzerland |
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, Thailand | Handelskampanjen, Norway | Research and Support Center for Development Alternatives – Indian Ocean, Madagascar |
Asian Health Institute (AHI), Japan | Heinrich Boell Foundation, Germany | Réseau québécois pour une mondialisation inclusive (RQMI) :, Canada |
Asociacion Mujeres Emprendedoras de Alta Verapaz, Guatemala | HIV Legal Network, Canada | Rethink Trade, United States |
Associação Brasileira de Saúde Bucal Coletiva, Brazil | IFARMA Foundation, Colombia | Right to Health Action, United States |
Association For Promotion Sustainable Development, India | Indonesia AIDS Coalition, Indonesia | Roots for Equity, Pakistan |
Association for Proper Internet Governance, Switzerland | Indonesia for Global Justice, Indonesia | Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Friends of the Earth Malaysia), Malaysia |
Attac Norway | Initiative for Health & Equity in Society, India | Salud por Derecho, Spain |
Australian Fair trade and Investment Network, Australia | Initiative for Social and Economic Rights, Uganda | Sama Resource Group for Women and Health, India |
Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha, Bangladesh | Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Unites States | SEATINI, Uganda |
Bisan Center for Research and Development, Palestine | IPLeft, South Korea | Sentro ng mga Nagkakaisa at Progresibong Manggagawa (SENTRO), Philippines |
Both ENDS, Netherlands | International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific, Malaysia | Sisters of Charity Federation, United States |
Brot für die Welt, Germany | It’s Our Future, New Zealand | Slums and Rural Health Initiative-Rwanda |
Bureau Pour la Croissance Intégrale et la Dignité de l’Enfant, Democratic Republic of Congo | Jamma Children Foundation, Gambia | Social Watch Benin |
CADIRE Cameroon Association, Cameroon | Jesuit Justice and Ecology Network – Africa, Kenya | Social Watch Philippines |
Campaign for Access to Medicines, Devices and Diagnostics, India | Just Treatment, United Kingdom | SODECA, Kenya |
Campaign for Affordable Trastuzumab, India | Kamukunji Paralegal Trust (KAPLET), Kenya | Solidarité Agissante pour le Développement Familial (SADF), Democratic Republic of Congo |
Campaign for the Welfare state, Norway | Kenya Legal & Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS, Kenya | South Sudan Women’s Empowerment Network, South Sudan |
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Canada | Kikandwa Environmental Association, Uganda | Space Allies, Japan |
Center for Health Human Rights and Development, Uganda | Korean Pharmacists for Democratic society, South Korea | SPECTRA, Rwanda |
Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action, Lebanon | Krishna Rabilall foundation, South Africa | Spire, Norway |
Centre for the Development of People (CEDEP), Malawi | Labor Education and Research Network, Philippines | Spotlight Center, Lebanon |
Centre National de Coopération au Développement (CNCD-11.11.11), Belgium | Lebanese Union for persons with physical disability, Lebanon | TEDIC, Paraguay |
Changemaker Norway | Life Concern, Malawi | Temple of Understanding, USA |
Child Way Uganda (CWay-Ug) | Low Cost Standard Therapeutics, India | The Gender Studies Centre, Sudan |
Climate Watch Thailand | Madhira Institute, Kenya | The Peninsula Foundation, India |
Coalizione Italiana Libertà e Diritti civili, Italy | Malaysian Women’s Action for Tobacco Control and Health (MyWATCH), Malaysia | Trade Justice Education Fund, United States |
COAST Foundation, Bangladesh | Medical Action Group, Philippines | Trade Justice Network, Canada |
Collectif Brevets sur les vaccins anti-covid, stop. Réquisition, France | Medico International, Germany | Treatment Action Group, Unites States |
Community Forum (COFO), Malawi | Misión Salud, Colombia | UBINIG (Policy Research for Development Alternative), Bangladesh |
Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) – Zimbabwe | Naripokkho, Bangladesh | Uganda National Health Users/ Consumer’s Organisation, Uganda |
Consumers Association of Penang, Malaysia | National Alliance for Right to Food, Nepal | Unis pour l’Education SocioEnvironnemetale de la Femme en sigle UESEF, Democratic Republic of Congo |
Delhi network of positive people, India | National Dalit and Landless Peasants Organisation, Nepal | Veille Citoyenne Togo |
DIGNIDAD Movement, Philippines | Nepal Women Peasants Association | Vietnam Network of People living with HIV (VNP+), Vietnam |
Drug Action Forum-Karnataka, India | Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, United States | Viva Salud, Belgium |
Drug System Monitoring and Development Center, Thailand | NGO Gender Coordination Network, Malawi | War on Want, United Kingdom |
DUKINGIRE ISI YACU, Burundi | NGOs Platform of Saida, Lebanon | WomanHealth Philippines |
Econews Africa, Kenya | Nigerian Women Agro Allied Farmers Assoc, Nigeria | Women’s Coalition Against Cancer (WOCACA), Malawi |
EKOTA, Bangladesh | Non-communicable Diseases Alliance, Kenya | World Vision Deutschland e.V., Germany |
Ensemble à Gauche (EàG), Switzerland | Observátorio do ciCidadão para saúde, Mozambique | Youth Foundation of Bangladesh |
Environics Trust, India | Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC), Japan | |
Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia, Mexico | Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum, Pakistan | |
Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD), Bangladesh | Parlement des Jeunes Leaders de la Société Civile Guinéenne, Guinea | |
Fairwatch Italy, Italy | Patient and Community Welfare Foundation of Malawi |
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