“The Indonesian Civil Society Coalition strongly condemns the arrest of Walden Bello, a democracy activist and former candidate for vice president of the Philippines 2021, carried out by the local police in Quezon City, Philippines. This shows the death of democracy in the Philippines, which has taken away the freedom of speech, expression, and opinion.”
The case of Walden Bello symbolizes oppression that can be the beginning of intimidation and tyranny for human rights defenders, journalists, environmentalists, and also the Filipino people under the Marcos-Duterte Leadership Period in the future. The Cyberlibel case is also politically motivated.
The case of freedom of speech that is silenced mainly due to political motives is a dangerous thing for the development of social civilization. This could also be an alarming trend in Southeast Asian regional politics. This makes freedom of thought turn to fear of power. Solidarity with Walden Bello is part of maintaining the sanity and freedom of democracy in the rapid technological bias that has brought democracy to be controlled by the powerful and wealthy groups.
It is important to note that non-cyber and cyber defamation cases will have the potential to be a tool to intimidate activists, academics, the opposition, and many other individuals who speak out against injustice. It also warns the public that if the authorities own impunity, then legal abuse will be stronger for activists and groups who struggle to voice injustice.
The case of the arrest of Walden Bello illustrates very clearly that democracy in the Philippines is moving back into an authoritarian era, where anti-critical powers control the government.
Along with this case, we expressed support and sided with Walden Bello, and asked the Government of the Philippines for our cooperation, as well as transparently carry out the restoration of the democratic system and freedom of speech for the Filipino people immediately abolishing lawsuits and carrying out a restoration of goodwill.
We also urge the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) to conduct a humanitarian response to the crisis of democracy and freedom of speech in the ASEAN region, especially in several countries such as the Philippines and Myanmar.
We express our support and solidarity with Waldon Bello
Members of Indonesia Focal Point for Legally Binding Treaty :
- Indonesia for Global Justice
- Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (WALHI)/Friend of The Earth Indonesia
- Indonesia human rights committee for social justice (IHCS)
- Indonesia Focal Point for Binding Treaty (IFP)
- People’s coalition for the rights to water (KRuHA)
- Serikat Petani Indonesia/Indonesia peasants (SPI)
- FIAN Indonesia