Officials from the EU and Indonesia met in Brussels from 11 to 15 March 2019 for the 7th round of negotiations for an EU-Indonesia Free Trade Agreement. The EU negotiating team was led by Ms Helena König, Deputy Director-General DG TRADE at the European Commission, while the Indonesian team was led by Pak Iman Pambagyo, Director General for International Trade Negotiations at the Indonesian Ministry of Trade.
The seventh round covered most sectors under negotiation. Negotiators continued to make progress, in general and across the chapters. Discussions were particularly constructive on Investment, Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary measures and Rules of Origin. The chapters on Trade Remedies and Customs and Trade Facilitation are now close to completion at technical level. On the other hand, issues like government procurement as well as subsidies and state owned enterprises will require further in-depth discussions. There were no further exchanges of market access offers before or during this round.
Both sides agreed to specific follow-up actions before the next round, which will be held before summer in Indonesia.
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