The 5 WTO rules to change to allow food sovereignty of all countries
Food sovereignty does not imply autarky but the right of every country to defineits import protection without dumping. Countries can...
Food sovereignty does not imply autarky but the right of every country to defineits import protection without dumping. Countries can...
Kedaulatan pangan tidak berarti autarki tetapi merupakan hak setiap negara untuk menentukan proteksi impor tanpa dumping. Negara dapat memilih perdagangan...
Abstract Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) as one of the institutions concerned with the issue of trade and investment, which...
Intisari Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) sebagai salah satu lembaga yang menaruh perhatian pada isu perdagangan dan investasi, dengan juga...
IGJ Monitoring on FTAs Perundingan Kerjasama Komprehensive Ekonomi Regional ASEAN (RCEP): “Ingin Menghadang AS di ASEAN, China Mendorong RCEP...
IGJ Monitoring – Investment, September 2015 HR Standard and Investor Liability in the New Model of Indonesian BITs Jakarta, 3rd...
Jakarta, 3 September 2015. Seiiring meningkatnya kasus gugatan investor terhadap Indonesia di International Centre for Settlement on Investment Disputes (ICSID),...
Menjelang KTM 10 WTO: “Program Kerja Pasca Bali Masih Sulit Disepakati” Pasca Konferensi Tingkat Menteri (KTM) Organisasi Perdagangan Internasional (World...
Government mulling strong model BIT to revise investment pacts NEW DELHI: The government will soon come with a comprehensive model...
Seri Buku Panduan Memahami BITs: Perjanjian Perlindungan Investasi Internasional dan Gugatan Investor Melawan Indonesia Indonesia for Global Justice, 2014 Download...
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